5 Awesome Halloween Gifts Ideas That Cost $5 or Less
Because aren’t we all trying to save money while at the same time wanting to find good gifts for the kids we love that will be meaningful and enjoyed a lot? If you're looking for something that'll extend the Halloween fun for the whole month of October (and possibly beyond), look no further than our of the best Halloween crafts.
These five easy printable are the perfect way to add to dose of Halloween fun into any party. This list is totally kid approved! Made with love by kids!
1. Halloween Handprint Footprint Craft Bundle
Download the Halloween handprint footprint craft templates
A simple but memorable and very dear to the heart handprint & footprint crafts to do with your little one this Halloween!
You can use this Halloween footprint art of them as gift for the grandparents, framed to decorate the house or hung as part of your gallery wall. You'll get the prints to look back on over the years.
Easily & quickly create a beautiful Halloween gift. Download Today!
2. Halloween Coupon Book
Download the Halloween coupon book template
Need some fresh ideas for giving Halloween gifts to friends and family? This cute coupon book allow you to create the perfect gift, customized by you for each recipient. You get 24 pre-filled Halloween coupons as well as 6 blank ones for custom coupons.
Simply print out on cardstock, cut out the coupons you wish to use, and fasten together with string, yarn, or ribbon. One book can hold up to 30 coupons.
3. Easy Halloween Diorama Craft Project for Kids
Download the Halloween diorama template
This Halloween Diorama is the perfect way to get the family excited about the fall and that holiday that has all the kids excited about dressing up in costume and repeating the phrase ‘Trick or Treat!”.
You can download the printable papercraft template to create for an awesome STEAM project for kids. This fun an easy Halloween diorama can be as spooky as you want to make it.
Create the fun Halloween paper craft in 3D that is perfect for kindergarten and preschool too!
4. Happy Halloween Pop Up Card
Download the Halloween card templates
These printable Halloween cards come in five different designs with either a ghost, scull, bat, jack-o'-lantern, or spider.
These printable Halloween cards are a great way that you can wish friends and family a Happy Halloween. Some are sweet and some are spooky but all of these Halloween cards can be used to send best wishes to the recipient.
5. Halloween Origami Template
Download the Halloween origami template
Make these Jack O'Lantern Origami! It's a perfect toy to keep them busy while they're waiting to go out trick-or-treating.
Happy Halloween!